Thursday, September 13, 2007

It has been a while since I have written. A couple of things happened over the past month that are exciting in our house! First of all, Madelyn moved into her new big girl room!! (Thanks to Nonna who painted the room for us!) We had anticipated on getting it ready and letting her play in there for a week or so to adjust before sleeping in the room. However, Madelyn had a different plan!! She decided she was going to sleep in it that night....and she did! She loves her new big girl room, as she calls it. She has figured out how to get down and has done that once during nap time. She knows that her old room, the nursery, is now for Baby Sister Caroline.

Another big event that has happened is Madelyn starting preschool! She goes two days a week from 9:30-1:00. She has her Dora lunchbox and loves that! She is adjusting and so is mom!! It's hard leaving her, but she ends up doing well. She talks about her friends she has made and what they do while she is there.

We are off to the beach next week! We are looking forward to a much needed break and spending time as a family of 3 (won't be long until we are a family of 4..)!! I'll post pictures of our beach trip after we return.

Madelyn loves the Wii!

Sweet Caroline

A little bit about the life of us...