Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is is Christmas time already?

Where in the world did this year go? Caroline just turned 2--yes 2--this week!! We are celebrating her birthday tomorrow with a Elmo party. Poor girl might be disappointed when she keeps asking for a "Pablo" (aka Backyardigan) party. The Dollar Tree only carried Sesame Street!! Ha ha :) She got a new princess ride on toy for the house. She LOVES it, as does Madelyn.

We have been busy with preschool and dance...imagine that! Caroline loves taking Madelyn to school so she can see her friends, which just happen to be M's classmates.

Caroline has had quite a few accidents recently---knots on her head and the most recent---a black eye :(. She is so busy, active, unafraid, and just a dare devil all around. She keeps us on our toes!

Madelyn loves school and has been to many birthday parties this year. She's at the hockey game with Daddy right now. She was more excited about not having rest time :). She is so ready for Christmas and wakes up bright and early to find the "Elf"...(Elf on the Shelf). He's been seen hiding in our stockings, glass dish, on Santa's shoulder, sitting on the cabinet, and camping out on the stairs. Fun times!

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Madelyn loves the Wii!

Sweet Caroline

A little bit about the life of us...